Sunday, September 4, 2011

Kill the Irishman (2011)

Danny Greene was a force in Cleveland's crime world of the 1960's and 70's. Proud of his Irish heritage, strong and charismatic, he brazenly went into business with the mafia. The sweet love between them didn't last though and quite literally an explosive war kicked off. Dozens of bombs ripped through the underworld, Greene however proved a tough dude to bury.

Based on real events, it's an interesting chapter in American mob history but hasn't been given a healthy chance to glow on screen. A half arsed script that's been directed equally has some life injected into it by lead Ray Stevenson, who's hammy yet enthusiastic. Counts for something right? Christopher Walken is great as Christopher Walken while Vincent D'Onofrio and Val Kilmer slog through the paces. The cast is filled out by faces from every mob film or tv show you can think of, rehashing scenes from them all. 
Cliched, predictable, underdone and yet oddly...watchable.


  1. Props for the correct usage of "literally", the most misused word in english today.

  2. Yes, it's a concern. Not hard, not hard at all.

  3. It just so happens I literally have the biggest nuts in Cleveland. so... *twiddles thumbs*
