Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Adventures of Barry McKenzie (1972)

Bazza McKenzie is the stereotypical young, boozy, horny Aussie male flying the flag in the Old Dart. As I know some about this creature I relished the mocking/celebratory attention that is well deserved. Australia's culture as a whole is hung out for a good poke in fact. Sufferers of cultural cringe will no doubt be either violently agreeing with the portrayal or feeling sick. The total lack of political correctness is relentless and has no doubt been dividing audiences for decades. It's great! 

It's a shame it runs out of steam by the second half. Increasingly the adventures are more random and ridiculous until it's just a stream of poor sketches with Baz's catch phrases  the punch line. It's an epic, chasm proportioned flaw that sinks the film sadly. 
It was still pretty sweet seeing a young Barry Crocker in full flight as Bazza. He has  some  classic quotes and the Trouser Snake song haunts long after the final line. His aunty is played by Barry Humphries as Edna Everage at an early stage in that character's development. 
Unfortunately the film as a whole is a bit of a Barry Crocker but it's worth seeing an Aussie film doing what we apparently do so well, taking the piss. 


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