Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Submarine (2010)

Teen love; a subject never tackled in film before.

A sweet, witty and attractive tale of an obsessive teen learning the ropes of love with his acidic little lady interest. Noah Taylor stands out as the depressed marine biologist dad. Really, he is tops in these roles and should be chopping up more of this type of material. Remember him in The Life Aquatic (2004)? Case closed! I also think Sally Hawkins is pretty great in everything I see her in and she doesn't screw with that record here. Add the Welsh seaside and a quality soundtrack and the casting choices appear ideal. Director Richard Ayoade, of much good English comedy fame, has obviously enjoyed the works of Wes Anderson but Submarine doesn't come off as a pale imitation at all. I'm sure you're reading this Ayoade old boy, so keep up the fine work!


  1. Not a pale imitation at all. An unashamed reproduction of Rushmore in saturated indie technicolour.

  2. Reasonably true Jenkins, the lead waifs in each film are stirringly similar in manner. It often looks like an indie bands film clip wet dream too. While not strikingly original I think it is very well done though.
