Sunday, September 25, 2011

Other Films I'm Watchin' Round Up #3

Here's some more films I've ingested voluntarily over the last few months and not got around to gassing on about. Generally pretty good bunch this lot. 

I Love You Phillip Morris (2009) Ewan McGregor doesn't mind smearing his talents liberally over the challenging roles does he? Eh? Here he is the somewhat innocent and naive object of Jim Carey's homosexual love. An entertaining and true story! 3.5/5 

Religulous (2008) Bill Maher seems like an intelligent man so it's a shame he could not put this together with more finesse. His quest to understand and question people's faith comes up short but he's an amusing guy which sees this pass as decent light entertainment.  2.5/5

The King's Speech (2010) - Do you need inspiration? Do you feel too pathetic and insignificant to roll out of bed in the morning? Geoffrey Rush is outstanding as a speech therapist and motivator to Colin Firth's stuttering King. High quality in all departments. 4/5 

Catfish (2010) A fly-on-the-wall documentary about a catfish's slow learning curve to set up a Facebook profile. 
No, sorry. 
What seemed like a potentially painful, narcissistic Facebook era film is actually well made and genuinely surprising. 
That other catfish documentary should be made though. 3.5/5

The Cove (2009) Dolphin slaughtering; an unpopular business to be in. Very uncool when you see the inhumane killing practices involved. Ex Flipper trainer Ric O'Barry sets out on a mission to reveal Japan's controversial industry and runs into feisty opposition. It gets pretty silly when his crack team of knucklehead allies go all covert. As I laughed at the conservationists I did feel the serious nature of the film was undermined. Tut tut Ric. 3/5

Another Year (2010) Well isn't it nice watching a couple of old married people, in love and doing the gardening together? I'm serious! Director Mike Leigh owns these slice of life films. He also perfectly captures the couples sad, alcoholic friends. It may bore some stupid but I love it. 4/5

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