Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Get Carter (1971)

Here we find Michael Caine in classic form as a thug investigating the suspicious death of his bro. There is much to love about this; mob violence, 70's era English pubs, cockneys, chase scenes on wharves, busty old hoteliers and a merciless end scene. I ask for little more. Add Caine as Carter, the arrogant, resourceful and vengeful 'hero' and you have a gold medal action film. I've sworn on my neighbour's life to never forget the scene where Carter talks filth on the phone to his lady while in the presence of the hotel owner. She loves every moment of it and he knows it. Carter in the buff and brandishing a shotgun at intruders after a roll about with previously mentioned wench is also ace.    
It's no surprise Sylvester Stallone wants to be Carter, we all do, but did he have to remake the damn film? I actually saw it when it was released in 2000. To be honest, it's not terrible but not terribly good either. Caine does have a small role which means he either approved of the remake or they dumped a tonne of dough on him. Money, he admits, has been a factor primary to many of his project choices over the years. Anyway, as usual screw the new one and get ye olde Get Carter instead. You geezer.  

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