Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Oranges and Sunshine (2010)

A disturbing look at the British government's deportation of children to Australia from the early 1900's to the 1970's. Deemed to be better off without their families, they were shipped across the world where many were put into slave labour environments. The most unfortunate were placed under the care of the Christian Brothers, and copped physical, mental and sexual abuse. The fuckers. Emily Watson stars as real life social worker Margaret Humphreys who exposed the appalling scheme. David Wenham and Hugo Weaving both do great jobs as men who's lives have been sadly misshaped by their childhoods. Wenham's character is a familiar type of painful person I've crossed paths with. Have all the pricks I've met in my life been the result of similar shit treatment? Only some I reckon. This is a very respectfully directed story, by Ken Loach's son Jim, that certainly should not be forgotten.
What the hell's wrong with people?

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