Monday, June 27, 2011

The Natural (1984)

This is a film I very fondly remember seeing as an impressionable sapling. Inspired by Robert Redford's character Roy Hobbs, I was certain a career in the baseball Major Leagues awaited me. Well, I did play a couple of seasons of softball in high school and at least once knocked a home run. God, such talent...wasted.
It was excellent seeing this again. A Disney-like tale with some of 1980's biggest names; Redford, Glenn Close, Kim Basinger and Robert Duvall, plus many other familiar faces. It sure does feature some sentimental scenes but they're idolising baseball and classic cinema, how could you hate something so earnest? Redford is charming as Hobbs although it's a little hard to accept him as a teenager in early scenes when his actual age during shooting was 48. You can't hide that from the camera, sorry Robert. 
A good, uplifting, old school story. Maybe there's still time for me...