Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Centurion (2010)

The Romans are keen to conquer Northern England but the locals, the Picts, are putting up a pretty decent defence. Cue heads splitting open, arrows entering eyeballs, impaling and general blood spraying mayhem. The gore is the only reason I'll really remember seeing this film, along with Dominic West, aka McNulty from HBO's The Wire, in a vastly different role to what I'm used to seeing him in. It's a fast paced adventure but the characters are a forgettable lot, I didn't mind who received a sword to the stomach which was then slowly turned clockwise. It's also been flogged digitally which I found distracting but then again I assume this film's aimed at teenage boys...and I'm a couple of years beyond that time now.
This is fine Saturday night fodder but just don't ask me about it in a week because, truthfully,  I may not remember it.


  1. Man, you sure do like watching films! Even the ordinary ones.

  2. You just try and stop me! I bet you can't! The colder months may result in a deluge.

  3. You are more like a couple of decades older than teenager hood now!

  4. Hey! A decade and a half if you're counting.
