Monday, January 10, 2011

The French Kissers (2009)

A likable French comedy about a couple of teenage buddies, Hervé and Camel, and their embarrassing efforts to meet, make out with and screw girls. It's a familiar story but most bipeds (such as myself, I'm bipedal) would be used to seeing cheesy US versions such as 'American Pie' (1999). This distinguishes itself by featuring far more natural looking actors. Their oily, pussy whiteheads look extremely genuine in close up shots. There's all the masturbation, sex and body part jokes you'd expect but it's done with a bit more of a humble and realistic approach.

The young actors are all amusing as awkward and clueless teens blindly foraging about, attempting to discover love and sex. Noemie Lvovsky is particularly entertaining as Hervés playful and inappropriate mother. The movie seems to have gotten quite a bit of praise and although I enjoyed it, it's not hilarious or especially insightful. Basically it's a cheaper night than going to the pub.


  1. this was a square up with the missus after subjecting her to Predators, right?

  2. Maybe a little but I had heard promising things about it. It's not a bad way to spend an evening. She's gonna love the original Predator, I just know it.
