Thursday, August 11, 2011

Due Date (2010)

Now listen to me, this is basically worth watching for the unique comedy talent that is Zach Galiafianakis. Robert Downey Jr. is perfectly serviceable in the straight man role but Galiafianakis is brilliantly irritating and likable as idiot extraordinaire and wannabe actor Ethan Trembole. It's a road trip, odd couple story that sets the scene for generally predictable but well executed laughs. Todd Phillips directed and it's no surprise that he is also responsible for The Hang Over films (2009 & 2011) and Old School (2003). The guy has a sensibility for shitty dude humor and serves it up slick and sick. Oddly, not everybody finds immature men busting jokes about testicles and prostitutes amusing though, so keep that in mind. Fortunately for me, I generally do.
This is approximately 90 minutes of entertainment, nothing more or less. Expectations beyond that will be met with disappointment. Sometimes that's all you want though. Am I right? Yes I am.   


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