Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Eclipse (2009)

When is an Irish ghost story not an Irish ghost story? When it's a quiet family drama with supernatural themes on the side...I guess that's still an Irish ghost story though....ahem. Despite being reeled in expecting to see psychotic leprechauns wielding blood stained shillelaghs, I sat like a contented old mate at the bar with a tasty Guinness throughout this slow yet ultimately satisfying little number. Yeah, a little head scratching occurs at the films' conclusion but on reflection it's an intriguing blend of genres and the ghost elements make a compelling discussion point. Particularly if you're really into families and ghosts, and I know for a fact some of you people are.
Set in Cork there is some beautiful scenery and Aidan Quinn does a good job playing a cock you'd happily give a nudge into incoming traffic. Ciaran Hinds plays the lead character who's a grieving widower with a quiet dignity. A while ago I saw Hinds in Todd Solondz's 'Life During Wartime' (2009), the follow up to his film 'Happiness' (1998), in which he plays a paedophile. He manages to do a very convincing job as a fiddler, really. Both those films are amusingly disturbing and should be seen.
The Eclipse rates fairly low on the 'That was scary, I just wee'd my jeans a little' scale but reasonably well on the 'relationships and shit' scale.

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