Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Road (2009)

Set in the post-apocalypse, the world has become a dead, cold, grey environment, matched only by the depths of the Melbourne winter I find myself in right now. Viggo Mortensen and his child boy struggle to survive amongst the remaining scoundrel inhabitants of the baron, crusty earth. This isn't a film to watch when you need your spirits lifted after a long day of kicking shit, but it does stir some emotions. "What would you do?" seems to be continually posed as father and son barely cope and are pushed into situations no one in their right mind wants to deal with. 
The film looks beautifully despairing, pushing the boundaries of both grey and brown palettes. Mortensen, always good, is a skeleton on legs who refuses to give up and the kid does a pretty reasonable job, but like all kids in films, eventually got on my jangled nerves. 

This is based on Cormac McCarthy's novel, also author of No Country For Old Men, and is apparently a cracker of a read. Reputable sources have informed me of it's greatness. I'll give it a look over one day for sure.
Add this one to your list of 'must-see, post-apocalyptic films to be viewed before the world is mysteriously ruined and the missus has lost her balls to live'. If you have a list like that.

I should add that this trailer, like most, is a pretty poor representation of the film. What is with trailers having to say "This (insert season here)" and then basically exposing every twist in the film? Retards.


  1. Where can I get a hat like that bloke in the recliner?

  2. ...but why are they missing some of their thumbs? I need to know!

  3. I do not know the answer to these probing questions. Sorry bout that.
