Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs (2009)

I recently acquired access to a slew of films, most of which are a bit shit, Fan Boys and Centurion for example, but I'll probably keep watching them. Fool. There are quite a few animated movies amongst the rabble such as this colourful little fella from Sony Pictures. I'm more of a fan of traditional 2d animation myself, I haven't really been won over by the flood of 3d animation films over the years. I'd say nostalgia, artistry and content would be the chief reasons. Sure some good ones exist but there's usually a tedious moral lesson for children that I have to reluctantly swallow. Where's the adult oriented 3d films about boozing, philandering cats? This one though is quite a bit of fun and has some clever moments. I liked the kid who is an aspiring mad inventor and his dad, who can only communicate with his son through fishing metaphors. A sidekick monkey in most circumstances is usually good for a few laughs and doesn't disappoint here. The graphics and animation are tight and the voice acting which includes the talents of Anna Farris, James Cann and Mr T is hard to fault. By the time the credits rolled I was tired of the madcap caper and relieved to return to reality, but this is intended for the kids and their attention span is probably better than mine.


  1. Only once grown ups start taking school holidays again will we see adult-oriented 3D blockbusters. I do like the Toy Story franchise though.

  2. Surely it's only a matter of time before some interesting ones are developed. Isn't Rango less family oriented?
    How to Train Your Dragon is pretty damn entertaining.

  3. Tin Tin soon http://youtu.be/tvO5X9dFRY0

  4. Hmm, sorta what I'm talking about. Could treading the 'so real it's creepy' line. I'm curious.
