Saturday, January 1, 2011

Mega Shark Vs Giant Octopus (2009)

Believe it or not I actually saw this storm of shit at the cinema. I won a couple of tickets and went along knowing it was supposedly 'so bad, it's good!'. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not immune to the charms of films that receive this suspicious endorsement. At the same cinema I saw Tommy Wiseau's 'The Room' (2003) and I am completely a fan of that bucket of horse dreg (Wiseau looks and sounds like he just walked out of a horrific car crash). This one didn't hit the same lofty peaks for me and unfortunately induces sleep.
The production company behind MSvGO is The Asylum. They specialise in direct to DVD films that often blatantly rip off blockbusters. Why wouldn't you want to see 'AVH: Alien Vs Hunter' (2007) or 'Transmorphers' (2007) or 'Da Vinci Treasure' (2006)? Obviously all these films are rubbish but someone's watching them and in the case of MSvGO it's silly old me.

And you thought Transformers was a stupid idea

MSvGO's preview became a viral hit due to it's ridiculousness and the movie now has a cult following. When entering the cinema I was given a Team Octopus flag to wave about when squidy was on screen and encouraged to cheer and yell at the screen. For the largely 20-something year old audience this seemed to be the main attraction, trying to outdo each other with witty and hilarious observations. As a mature 34 year old I am above such crassness, it takes away from the pure cinematic experience. Ahem...

MSvGO has an appalling plot and script and laughable performances and special effects. Of course it does have it's highlights, a 200 foot shark leaping from the ocean to take down a passenger plane is always going to make me squeal with delight. 80's pop idol Debbie Gibson gives a spirited performance and it was amusing to see Lorenzo Lamas who starred in many god awful action films I consumed in my teens. Another bizarre scene that evoked a chuckle involves scientists pouring mysterious glowing liquids back and forth between test tubes and beakers and scratching their thick heads. Science will save us all!
If you need to waste 90 minutes of your life there are better ways. See how many times you can punch a wall in 45 minutes and then try to better it. Make a catalogue of flavours from your homes carpet, you'll probably need to lick every 30cm square patch to make sure you don't miss any unusual or exciting delicacies.


  1. Lamas peaked in "Gladiator Cop"

  2. Looking at Lama's filmography I don't actually recognise any of his films. I know I did see a couple of his crudlings though. Gladiator Cop sounds like it could get a start at Nova's cult screenings.

  3. "Thriller in Manilla" and flying sharks. What else could you wish for from a film?
