Monday, January 3, 2011

The Killer Inside Me (2010)

Based on a 1952 pulp novel by Jim Thompson and directed by Michael Winterbottom, The Killer Inside Me stars one of the more memorable psychopaths in recent years. Casey Affleck has pulled out some crackers in the last few years, 'The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford' (2007) and 'Gone Baby Gone' (2007) and does it again here as a sadist local cop who's reserved, polite public persona blankets his cruel nutter within. As Affleck's character allows his demons to step further over the line the more difficult it becomes to conceal his nature and crimes. Jessica Alba and Kate Hudson are the sexy yet shit-out-of-luck women who find themselves in his twisted existence and do a mostly fine job. 

If only you knew where those hands had been Kate

The film looks gorgeous, going for a noir style that suits a story of this breed of wickedness. It is a bit of a slow burner as the small town's character's entangled histories emerge and Affleck covers his bloody tracks. Amongst this tension are bursts of stomach turning, graphic violence. I've become pretty desensitised to film violence over the years but one scene in this film took the wind straight out of me. It has been the main criticism of the film in the media although to me witnessing the character's violence, to women in particular, seemed to only expose his sickness more.
I thoroughly enjoyed this calculated and chilling affair and look forward to seeing what else this man-child Affleck will pull out in the future. Be warned though ladies and gents, there is some confronting violence...I don't think this one's for you sorry Mum.


  1. "That scene" is definitely one of the most confronting and nausea inducing scenes I have ever seen....still thinking about it days later.

  2. Yep it's tough, worth enduring though except perhaps for those sensitive to such scenes. Even then, give it a go eh!
