Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Host (2006)

"Come 'ere meat sack". Yoink!

Admit it, it's time you saw another monster movie. It's probably what's been missing from your life and now you have no self respect. Well, now is the time to reclaim it! Some slimy beast from the undulating bowels of Korea has emerged hungry and ready to feast on as many screaming, gawping, little humans as it can muster. The special effects do the toadish alien justice as it swings under bridges and gallops about, scooping up its daffy victims. The camera work looks very sharp giving the film a crisp air of reality without going for the shaky hand help camera style. The scenes of mass panic by the river are particularly sweeeeet.
If things had been wrapped up 30 minutes sooner this could have really been a classic of the genre but some silly subplots with the central family linger on for too long. The Host 2 is due for release in 2012 so hopefully it'll tighten up the story and literally devour my balls off with its awesomeness.


  1. I probably won't see half of the films you've reviewed Dan, but I enjoy your insights. I detect the canny eye of a filmmaker at work.

  2. Glad you get something out of them. At the least I am some dude gassing on about movies on the internet. A true original!
