Monday, November 29, 2010

Dave Chappelle's Block Party (2005)

I'm a Chappelle fan so I saw this at the cinema when it was released (with a buffer seat in between old mate and myself. Why do some people have a problem with this practise?) and again on telly the other night while rehabbing from a large wedding the night before. I find a couple of glasses of red smoothes out this process.
It documents Dave throwing a concert/party in Brooklyn and the days leading up to the event. It's cut out of sequence but flows nicely so you get to watch performances from the day all the way through.
'The Chappelle Show' was one of the best skit shows to come out of the US that I've seen. Unfortunately Chappelle quit during production of season 3 and pissed off to South Africa unannounced for a spell, turning his back on a $55 million contract. Man, that is no easy decision. Guy was sick of the industry b.s. and jack arses screaming 'I'm Rick James bitch!' everywhere he went. Refreshing to see a celebrity turn their back on a payday out of disgust and try to keep their feet on the ground. Real shame however that he's not on the tv regularly anymore. It would appear he's doing plenty of stand up though and appearing in the odd movie. Apparently he set a stand up record a while ago yammering on for 6 hours 15 minutes but it has since been beaten by this guy...urgh.

Anyways, not being a major hip hop fan it was surprising to me to see such great musicianship from the rappers and their accompanying musos throughout this doco. I can't even imagine contemplating shelling out $$ to go to a rap concert/festival but I would have loved to have been at this thing. Erykah Badu was my standout but there is some strong showings from Mos Def, Kanye West, Dead Prez and the Fugees. Chappelle breaks it all up with his whip fast craziness and the inclusion of some of the local residents and workers is pretty cool too. The block of streets they work and live in becomes a character itself.
Interestingly this is directed by Michel Gondry who did 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' and a couple of other enjoyable films. Not so easy to spot his style here but a good job none the less, nicely played Michel.
Worth seeing even if the hipppity hop is not your thing.


  1. It is a crime and tragedy we see so little of Chappelle these days while being subjected to so much Martin Lawerence

  2. More Chappelle please! I think Lawrence is dead, at least commercially.
