Saturday, February 5, 2011

Other Films I'm Watchin' Round Up

Well it appears my digestion of films is occurring at a greater rate than my ability to blog about them. No surprise to me really so here's a quick bit of commentary on a bunch I've seen over the last month and not mentioned. This might become a more regular feature as I choose to write more about the movie's that hold some extra interest to me.

Winters Bone (2010) Set in a drug addled rural community in the US, Jennifer Lawrence has to find her old man after he skips bail which puts the bond at stake, the family home. Many of the actors don't seem like they're doing much acting and give chillingly authentic performances. You can't help but feel sorry for any sprog born into this environment. Things get ugly as Lawrence, like a dog with a bone, pursues her dad. 3.5/5  
Exit Through The Gift Shop (2010) Street art deity Banksy directed this doco about Thierry Guetta, a man who appears to suffer OCD and ADD. Guetta, obsessed with filming street artists, stumbles into Banksy's world. There's much speculation over whether this project is an elaborate ruse by Banksy. Guetta, a peculiar character goes on to become a monster of sorts, loved and loathed. It's pretty frickin entertaining either way and better for the questions surrounding it. That Banksy, what a bloody prankster. 4/5

Jindabyne (2006) Having recently been on a summer jaunt to Jindabyne, it seemed appropriate to give this another viewing. After a bunch of lads on a fishing trip discover an Aboriginal girl floating in a river they decide to tie her down, enjoy the rest of their weekend and report it on Monday. The outrage that ensues comes from the girls family, media, police and some of their own family. Laura Linney shits me to tears in this, Gabriel Byrne has every right to be an alcoholic. Great setting, good performances but it just pushes my patience too far. John Howard gets his fat gruff on as per usual. 3/5
The Disappearance of Alice Creed (2009) Minimal and taut kidnapping film with a shite load of twists. It's a great set up but a couple of the end scenarios are little far fetched which is a shame but overall it's a gripping romp. Eddie Marsan is excellent as usual, this guys always plays the prick so well. Martin Compston and Gemma Arterton round out the tiny cast which serves the sense of isolation. Poor Alice, she disappeared :'( 4/5

My favourite piss jar scene in a film

Tales from the Golden Age (2009) Six short stories from Romania set during the period when President Ceausescu was in power. A terrible time in the country's history, these tales are of party officials and commoners dealing with life under communist rule. They are described as 'comic, bizarre, surprising' and 'whimsical'. I found whimsical to be the only apt description of that lot. While I was amused at times by the tales, the first particularly, it's hard to believe someone thought there was enough material to work with here. You could tell most of these very light stories in one sentence. If you're somewhat fascinated by Eastern European culture like me then you'll still probably enjoy it as a distraction. Perhaps enjoy some plum brandy with it, that's goooood shit. 3/5
Four Lions (2010) A farcical look at a hapless group of potential suicide bombers in London.  I like the fact that this subject matter is being scrutinised by satirist Chris Morris. It has some quite clever moments and I wanted to laugh but unfortunately it's just not that funny. Nigel Lindsay is good as knuckle head Barry, an anglo convert who wants to blow up a mosque to radicalise the Muslims. The film will probably divide opinions but it missed the mark for me. Pffft. 3/5

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