Saturday, December 18, 2010

Father Of My Children (2009)

Another mature drama which is good, I'm a mature and dramatic human. Awwww shaddup! Shaddup!
This is a french film about an enigmatic, passionate man leading a life most of us wouldn't mind a slice of. He breathes his profession as a film producer and has a young family that he loves. There's not enough time in the day for this chap. It's a little exhausting watching him continually performing several tasks at once but it drives and fulfills him. Of course as we all know, life is a bitch and things don't always go to plan. His film company hits the financial skids and his treasured life starts to take a depressing tilt.

The film is about this gregarious character and the consequences his decisions have on his family and those around him. I think it does a great job displaying the ebb & flow of life and that an event is only one among others. While it is sad and some girlie-men may reach for the tissues, I feel it has a positive tone to it, encouraging even. There are some great performances especially from the kids and the lead actor, Louis-Do de Lencquesaing. 28 year old Mia Hansen-Løve directs stylishly, it has a real fresh feel. A top effort from such a young director, no doubt about it.
I'd have to say that this is one of the better films I've seen for quite some time. Them French sure know how to make a quality flick. 
Now I think I'll go watch 'Predators' or something.


  1. Instead of preadators watch kickboxer 8 times

  2. Hopefully watching the original Kickboxer is in my future. It has been many years, many years, and now I am ready to be reunited.
